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Mannose receptor (CD206) activation in tumor-associated macrophages enhances adaptive and innate antitumor immune responses

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Description scientific article published on 01 February 2020

author: Vicky Chen  Nathan Pate  Juan Jose Marugan  Wendy Bautista  Ahmad Bin Salam  Parimal Kumar  Theresa Guerin  Sarangan Ravichandran  Henry Lopez  Mones Abu-Asab  Yongmei Zhao  Serguei Kozlov  Myagmarjav Dashnyam  Natalia de Val  Udo Rudloff  Taylor Aiken  Clayton Yates  Taivan Odzorig  Balasubramanyam Karanam  Bolormaa Baljinnyam  Michael Ronzetti  Zachary Knotts  Abisola Abisoye-Ogunniyan  Jesse M Jaynes  Noel Southall 

Publication date February 1, 2020
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