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Gastric Cancer, Version 3.2016, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology

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Description scientific article published on 01 October 2016

author: Cameron M Wright  W Michael Korn  Crystal S Denlinger  James A Hayman  Joseph Chao  Lawrence Kleinberg  Jaffer Ajani  Kimberly L Johung  Wayne L. Hofstetter  Vivian E Strong  David H Ilson  A Craig Lockhart  George A Poultsides  Nicole R McMillian  Steven Hochwald  Dawn E Jaroszewski  Farhood Farjah  David J Bentrem  Stephen Leong  Khaldoun Almhanna  Prajnan Das  Rajesh N Keswani  Charles S. Fuchs  Mary Kay Washington  Thomas A D'Amico  Kyle A Perry  Mark B. Orringer 

Publication date October 1, 2016
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