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Low-latency gravitational-wave alerts for multimessenger astronomy during the second Advanced LIGO and Virgo observing run

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Description scientific article published in January 2019

author: Éric Chassande-Mottin  Parameswaran Ajith  Ofek Birnholtz  Viviana Fafone  Claudia Lazzaro  Bala R. Iyer  David E. McClelland  Paul M Ricker  Lijing Shao  Graham Woan  Piotr Jaranowski  Federico Ferrini  Massimiliano Razzano  Joseph Anthony Giaime  Peter Shawhan  Samaya Nissanke  Martin A. Hendry  David H. Shoemaker  Albert Lazzarini  Matthew D. Pitkin  Michel Boër  Nicolas Leroy  Justin I. Read  Marco Cavaglià  Odylio D. Aguiar  Vuk Mandic  Turlough Patrick Downes  Andrew Melatos  Paola Leaci  Karsten Danzmann  Sanjeev Dhurandhar  Pia Astone  Gijs Nelemans 

Publication date 2019
Language English
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