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Missense Variants in the Histone Acetyltransferase Complex Component Gene TRRAP Cause Autism and Syndromic Intellectual Disability

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author: Jennifer E. Posey  Brigitte Gilbert-Dussardier  Thomas Besnard  Slavé Petrovski  Jill A Rosenfeld  Anne-Sophie Denommé-Pichon  Yuri A Zarate  Wallid Deb  Brina Daniels  Xénia Latypova  Ingrid M Wentzensen  Jennifer M Tarpinian  Kevin P Lally  Andres Hernandez-Garcia  Yaping Yang  Christopher T Gordon  Anna Lindstrand  Stéphane Bézieau  Philippe M. Campeau  Madeleine R Geisheker  Oana Caluseriu  Usha Kini  Erica H Gerkes  Benjamin Cogné  Sophie Ehresmann  Annapurna Poduri  Annick Toutain  Rolph Pfundt  James R. Lupski  Magnus Nordenskjöld  Stephan J. Sanders  Jaya Punetha  Evan E. Eichler  Christian Gilissen  Sébastien Küry 

Publication date February 28, 2019
Language English
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