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Early Pleistocene enamel proteome sequences from Dmanisi resolve Stephanorhinus phylogeny

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Description scholarly article published 10 September 2018

author: Peter D. Heintzman  Marcus Thomas Pius Gilbert  Meaghan Mackie  Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal  Morten Allentoft  Eleftheria Palkopoulou  Mikkel-Holger S Sinding  Kirsty Penkman  Anna K. Fotakis  Joshua D Kapp  Martha Tappen  Christian D. Kelstrup  Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro  Jordi Agustí  Yoshan Moodley  Beth Shapiro  Frido Welker  Shanlin Liu  Rosa Rakownikow Jersie-Christensen  David Lordkipanidze  Anders Krogh  Marcela Sandoval-Velasco  Aurelien Ginolhac  Jesper V. Olsen  Eske Willerslev  David Lyon  Ludovic Orlando  Gocha Kiladze  Maia Bukhsianidze  Reid Ferring  Anders Götherström  Enrico Cappellini 

Publication date September 10, 2018
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