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The present status of the VIRGO Central Interferometer*

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Description scientific article published on 13 March 2002

author: Francesco Fidecaro  Isidoro Ferrante  Albert Claude Boccara  Stefano Braccini  Antonio Pasqualetti  Leopoldo Milano  Rosa Poggiani  François Bondu  Helios Vocca  Roberto Passaquieti  Elena Cuoco  Enrico Calloni  Teimuraz Lomtadze  Christian Arnault  Piero Rapagnani  Fabio Garufi  Giovanni Losurdo  Maurizio Ripepe  Michel Davier  Bryan Lawrence Caron  Gianluca Guidi  Andrea Viceré  Flavio Vetrano  Fulvio P. Ricci  Fausto Acernese  Ettore Majorana 

Publication date March 13, 2002
Language English
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