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Natural climate solutions for the United States

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Description scientific article published on 14 November 2018

author: Peter Woodbury  Alessandra Falcucci  James W Fourqurean  Kevin D. Kroeger  Christopher A. Williams  Joseph W. Veldman  David Shoch  Huan Gu  Scott D Bridgham  Peter W. Ellis  Bronson W. Griscom  Emily McGlynn  Timothy Boucher  Matthew D. Hurteau  Richard T Conant  Tyler J Lark  Curtis J Richardson  Daniela A Miteva  Ariana E. Sutton-Grier  Jonathan Sanderman  Steven Bassett  Susan C. Cook-Patton  Joseph Fargione  Emily Landis  Patricia Elias  William H. Schlesinger  Sara M. Leavitt  Trisha Gopalakrishna  Chris Zganjar  Guy Lomax  Timm Kroeger  Richard Houghton  Seth A. Spawn-Lee  Patrick Megonigal 

Publication date November 14, 2018
Language English
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