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Search for an Excess of Events in the Super-Kamiokande Detector in the Directions of the Astrophysical Neutrinos Reported by the IceCube Collaboration

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Description scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

author: Henry W. Sobel  Francesca Di Lodovico  Chang Kee Jung  Lawrence Sulak  Hiromi Yokoyama  V. Takhistov  Masahiro Kuze  Hirokazu Ishino  Ko Abe  Cristovao Vilela  Jennifer Lynne Raaf  Takahiro Hiraki  Yuki Nakano  Luis Labarga  Morgan O. Wascko  James E. Hill  Kenzo Nakamura  R. Jeffrey Wilkes  Maurice Goldhaber  Masatoshi Koshiba  Edward T. Kearns  Yoji Totsuka  Nikhul Dev Patel  Takaaki Kajita  Takashi Kobayashi  Lee Thompson  Yasuo Takeuchi  Christopher Walter  Takuya Hasegawa 

Publication date November 28, 2017
Language English
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