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Light yield in DarkSide-10: A prototype two-phase argon TPC for dark matter searches

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author: Oleg Smirnov  Marco Pallavicini  Richard Saldanha  Gioacchino Ranucci  Giuliana Fiorillo  Michele Montuschi  Evgeniy Unzhakov  Paolo Beltrame  David B. Cline  Chamkaur Ghag  Alessandro Razeto  Albert Sotnikov  Federico Gabriele  Cong Guo  Tal Alexander  Aldo Romani  Katsushi Arisaka  Fausto Ortica  Vladislav Kobychev  Ilya Drachnev  Shawn Westerdale  Alexander Derbin  Livia Ludhova  Laura Cadonati  Frank Paul Calaprice  Nicola Rossi  Cristiano Galbiati  Jingke Xu  Changgen Yang 

Publication date September 2013
Language English
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