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A Search for Low-energy Neutrinos Correlated with Gravitational Wave Events GW 150914, GW 151226, and GW 170104 with the Borexino Detector

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Description scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

author: Oleg Smirnov  Michael Wurm  Marco Pallavicini  Matteo Agostini  Alessio Caminata  Alina Vishneva  Alessandro Razeto  Albert Sotnikov  Federico Gabriele  Lino Miramonti  Anna Jany  Aldo Romani  Matthias Laubenstein  Fausto Ortica  Vladislav Kobychev  Ilya Drachnev  Zara Bagdasarian  Kai Zuber  Nelly Pilipenko  Stefan Schönert  Frank Paul Calaprice  Nicola Rossi  Davide Franco  Cristiano Galbiati 

Publication date November 14, 2017
Language English
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