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Concordance between the diagnostic guidelines for alcohol and cannabis use disorders in the draft ICD-11 and other classification systems: Analysis of data from the WHO's World Mental Health Surveys

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author: Fernando Navarro-Mateu  José Miguel Caldas-de-Almeida  Brendan Bunting  Oye Gureje  Meyer D Glantz  Yolanda Torres-Corral  Sing Lee  Jordi Alonso  Chrianna Bharat  Elie G Karam  Nancy A Sampson  Laura Helena Andrade  Luise Lago  Alfredo H Cia  Somnath Chatterji  Carmen C Sasu  WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators  Louisa Degenhardt  Ronald C. Kessler  Zeina Mneimneh  Jacek Moskalewicz  John J. McGrath  Kate M Scott 

Publication date December 9, 2018
Language English
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