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First Genome-Wide Association Study of Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults Reveals Novel Insights Linking Immune and Metabolic Diabetes

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Description scientific article published on 25 September 2018

author: Richard E Pratley  Mette Korre Andersen  Allan Linneberg  Niels Grarup  Emma Ahlqvist  David Leslie  Benjamin F. Voight  Lars G Fritsche  Knud Yderstraede  Mette Wod  Bjørn Olav Åsvold  Adrian Vella  Kamlesh Khunti  Olle Melander  Oluf Borbye Pedersen  Henning Beck-Nielsen  Nanette C Schloot  Michael R Rickels  Struan F.A. Grant  Daniel R. Witte  Annemari Käräjämäki  Mikael Åkerlund  Carla J Greenbaum  Diana L Cousminer  David J Brillon  Philippe Froguel  Tiinamaija Tuomi  Alessandra Chesi  Didac Mauricio  Ivan Brandslund  Stephen Varvel  Vanessa C Guy  Henrik Vestergaard  Valdemar Grill  Ewan Pearson  Kenyaita M Hodge  Leif Groop  Torben Hansen  Jonathan P Bradfield  Hakon Hakonarson  Rajashree Mishra 

Publication date September 25, 2018
Language English
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