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Obesity and loss of disease-free years owing to major non-communicable diseases: a multicohort study

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Description article by Solja T Nyberg et al published October 2018 in Lancet Public Health

author: Reiner Rugulies  Tuula Oksanen  Jaana Pentti  Markku Koskenvuo  George David Batty  Katriina Heikkila  Maria Nordin  Marianna Virtanen  Joni V Lindbohm  Solja T Nyberg  Karl Anders Knutsson  Linda L Magnusson Hanson  Tea Lallukka  Olli P H Pietiläinen  Peter J M Westerholm  Ossi Rahkonen  Hugo Westerlund  Constanze Leineweber  Sari Stenholm  Ida E H Madsen  Lars Alfredsson  Jane E. Ferrie  Marie Zins  Töres Theorell  Archana Singh-Manoux  Eleonor Fransson  Joshua A Bell  Sakari B Suominen  Jussi Vahtera  Martin J. Shipley  Mark Hamer  Marcel Goldberg 

Publication date October 2018
Language English
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