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Spectroscopic needs for imaging dark energy experiments

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Description article by Jeffrey A. Newman et al published March 2015 in Astroparticle Physics

author: Mubdi Rahman  Hendrik Hildebrandt  Matias Carrasco Kind  Marc Moniez  Jeffrey W. Kruk  Jean-Stephane Ricol  Andew P. Hearin  Alexandra Abate  Anja von der Linden  Anže Slozar  Wayne A. Barkhouse  Ian P. Dell’Antonio  Alex Hagen  Christopher Hirata  Jean-Paul Kneib  John A. Peacock  Jorge L. Cervantes-Cota  Joel R. Brownstein  Nora Elisa Chisari  Casey Papovich  Iftach Sadeh  Steven W. Allen  Elliott Cheu  Ofer Lahav  Klaus Honscheid  Michael Blanton  Changbom Park  Sahar Allam  Rachel Mandelbaum  Dragan Huterer  Timothy Beers  Neil Gehrels  John Moustakas  Matthew Colless  Željko Ivezić  Johan Comparat 

Publication date March 2015
Language English
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