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Clustering of quasars in SDSS-IV eBOSS: study of potential systematics and bias determination

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author: Sarah Eftekharzadeh  Will Percival  Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille  Jean-Paul Kneib  Hélion du Mas des Bourboux  Rita Tojeiro  Jonathan Brinkmann  Donald Schneider  Pauline Zarrouk  David H. Weinberg  Ashley J. Ross  Francisco Pradas De La Fuente  Adam D. Myers  Etienne Burtin  Jean-Marc Le Goff  Kyle S. Dawson  Martin White  Julian Bautista  Ian McGreer  Christophe Yèche  Jeremy L. Tinker  Graziano Rossi  Johan Comparat 

Publication date July 11, 2017
Language English
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