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Legacy extragalactic UV survey (LEGUS) with the Hubble Space Telescope. I. Survey description

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Description scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

author: Aaron Evans  Antonio J C da Silva  Selma E. de Mink  Debra Elmegreen  Mark R. Krumholz  Alessandra Aloisi  Thomas M Brown  Geoffrey Clayton  Daniel Lennon  Michele Cignoni  Hwihyun Kim  John S. Gallagher III  Anne Pellerin  Dimitrios Gouliermis  John-David Smith  Deidre Hunter  Bradley Whitmore  Lent Johnson  Aida Wofford  David Thilker  Monica Tosi  Angela Adamo  Almudena Alonso Herrero  Michele Fumagalli  Jenna Ryon  Schuyler D. Van Dyk  Daniela Calzetti  Daniel Schaerer  Bruce Elmegreen  Robert Kennicutt  Carol Christian  Eva Grebel  Michael Regan  Elena Sabbi  Jose Prieto  Janice Lee 

Publication date January 15, 2015
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