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Systemic and Ocular Determinants of Peripapillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Measurements in the European Eye Epidemiology (E3) Population

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Description article by Matthias M. Mauschitz et al published October 2018 in Ophthalmology

author: Audrey Cougnard-Grégoire  Marie-Bénédicte Rougier  Jean-François Korobelnik  Christopher J. Hammond  Martin Bobak  Tobias Elze  Cécile Delcourt  Marie-Noëlle Delyfer  Terho Lehtimäki  Robert P Finger  Maria Luz Cachulo  Fotis Topouzis  Angela J Cree  Anthony Khawaja  Camiel J F Boon  Ruth Hogg  Franziska G. Rauscher  Catherine Creuzot-Garcher  Katie M. Williams  Tos Berendschot  Steffen Schmitz-Valckenberg  Paul J Foster  Alexander K Schuster  Frank G Holz  Stefan Nickels  Christoph Engel  Jakob Grauslund  Monique Breteler  Alain Bron 

Publication date October 2018
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