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Angular decay coefficients of J/ψ mesons at forward rapidity from p+p collisions at s=510  GeV

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author: Qiao Xu  Itzhak Tserruya  Xuan Li  David Silvermyr  Matthias Grosse Perdekamp  Balazs Ujvari  Zvi Citron  Václav Vrba  Abhisek Sen  Prashant Shukla  Byungsik Hong  Raphael Tieulent  Arbin Timilsina  Donald Isenhower  Vardan Khachatryan  Takahito Todoroki  Prakhar Garg  Andrew Marshall Adare  Marie Boër  Alexandre L. Lebedev  Jiangyong Jia  Shoichi Hasegawa  Julia Velkovska  Michael Finger Jr.  Alexander M. Milov  Jan Rak  Nathan Conrad Grau  Petr Gallus  Brett Fadem  Matthew A. Snowball  Stefan Bathe  Dmitry Kotov  Máté Csanád  Margaret A. Jezghani  Vassili Papavassiliou  Jin Huang  Vladislav Pantuev 

Publication date May 8, 2017
Language English
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