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Constraints on the galactic population of TeV pulsar wind nebulae using Fermi large area telescope observations

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Description scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

author: Akira Okumura  Luigi Tibaldo  Marco Ajello  Omar Tibolla  Jan Conrad  Yoshiyuki Inoue  Søren Brandt  Giacomo Vianello  Luca Baldini  Francesco Loparco  Fabio Acero  Gino Tosti  Jürgen Knödlseder  Matthew Kerr  Keiji Hayashi  Francesco Massaro  Stefan Funk  Riccardo Rando  Rolf Buehler  Aldo Morselli  Olaf Reimer  Dario Gasparrini  Johann Cohen-Tanugi  Simona Murgia  Massimiliano Razzano  M. Lemoine-Goumard  C Cecchi  Guido Barbiellini  Sara Cutini  Fabio Gargano  Anita Reimer  Filippo D'Ammando  Daniela Hadasch  Denis Bastieri  Brian L. Winer  Sara Buson  Takashi Ohsugi  Stefan Larsson  Hiromitsu Takahashi  Gloria Spandre  Melissa Pesce-Rollins  Markus Ackermann  Marcello Giroletti  Martino Marelli  Monica Orienti  Elena Orlando  Alex Drlica-Wagner  Francesco Longo  Guðlaugur Jóhannesson 

Publication date July 29, 2013
Language English
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