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Phase III clinical trial end points in acute heart failure syndromes: A virtual roundtable with the acute heart failure syndromes international working group

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author: Michel Komajda  Gary Felker  Gregg C. Fonarow  John R Teerlink  John McMurray  Gad Cotter  Gerasimos Filippatos  Sadiya S Khan  Marco Metra  Adrian F. Hernandez  Barry M. Massie  Marvin A. Konstam  Christopher M O'Connor  Norman Stockbridge  James E Udelson  Mihai Gheorghiade  Faiez Zannad  Hani N Sabbah  Mandeep R. Mehra  Kirkwood F Adams  Barry H. Greenberg  John Cleland  Clyde Yancy  Aldo P. Maggioni  Ileana L Piña  Peter S. Pang 

Publication date June 2009
Language English
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