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Searching for Explanations for Cryptogenic Stroke in the Young: Revealing the Triggers, Causes, and Outcome (SECRETO): Rationale and design

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Description scientific article published on 04 April 2017

author: Per-Henrik Groop  Franz Fazekas  Susanna Paju  Juha Huhtakangas  Nilufer Yesilot  Pirkko J Pussinen  Daniel Gordin  Ulrike Waje-Andreassen  Juha Sinisalo  Sylvain Lanthier  Mika Lehto  Bob Siegerink  Christian Enzinger  Turgut Tatlisumak  Ana Catarina Fonseca  Marialuisa Zedde  Steven Kittner  Nicolas Martinez Majander  Jukka Putaala  Frank-Erik de Leeuw  Georgios Tsivgoulis  Christian Tanislav  Armin J Grau  Bettina von Sarnowski  Alessandro Pezzini 

Publication date April 4, 2017
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