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Mitotane Therapy in Adrenocortical Cancer Induces CYP3A4 and Inhibits 5α-Reductase, Explaining the Need for Personalized Glucocorticoid and Androgen Replacement

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Description scientific article published on 16 November 2012

author: Massimo Mannelli  Marcus Quinkler  Vasileios Chortis  Massimo Terzolo  Emilio Porfiri  Jérome Bertherat  Giuseppe Opocher  Rossella Libé  Jeremy W Tomlinson  Niki Karavitaki  Mark Sherlock  Franco Mantero  Angela. E. Taylor  Beverly A Hughes  Wiebke Arlt  Bruno Allolio  Stefanie Hahner  Paul Stewart  Donna M O'Neil  Martin Fassnacht  Felix Beuschlein  Cedric H L Shackleton 

Publication date November 16, 2012
Language English
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