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Planet Hunters. VI. An independent characterization of KOI-351 and several long period planet candidates from the Kepler archival data

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Description scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

author: Kevin Schawinski  Joseph R Schmitt  Hans Martín Schwengeler  Johann Sejpka  Robert J Simpson  Chris Lintott  Tony Ginman  Tom G Jacobs  Samuel Jon Goodman  Debra Fischer  Tabetha S. Boyajian  Pete Granado  Ivan A. Terentev  Meg Schwamb  Daryll M. LaCourse  Mark R. Omohundro  Kristoffer Vonstad Guttormsen  Miguel Socolovsky  Troy Winarski  Arfon Smith  Nawar Alsaadi 

Publication date June 26, 2014
Language English
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