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The PTF Orion project: a possible planet transiting a T-Tauri star

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Description scientific article published in the Astrophysical Journal

author: Julian van Eyken  Geoffrey Marcy  Robert Quimby  Eran Ofek  David Ciardi  Andrew William Howard  Dovi Poznanski  Peter Plavchan  Peter E. Nugent  Carl Grillmair  Dawn Gelino  Mansi M. Kasliwal  Branimir Sesar  Jason Surace  Nicholas Law  Justin Crepp  Russ R. Laher  Luisa Rebull  Avi Shporer  Stephen B. Cenko  Joshua Bloom  Chad F. Bender  Stephen R. Kane  Charles A. Beichman  Paula Szkody  Kaspar von Braun  Suvrath Mahadevan  Benjamin J. Fulton  Rachel L. Akeson  Solange V. Ramirez  Steve B. Howell 

Publication date July 25, 2012
Language English
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