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Evidence of the association of BIN1 and PICALM with the AD risk in contrasting European populations

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author: Michelangelo Mancuso  Diana Zelenika  Francesco Panza  Raffaele Ferri  Philippe Amouyel  Daniela Galimberti  Elisa Porcellini  Paolo Bosco  Vincenzo Solfrizzi  Benedetta Nacmias  Ana Frank García  Eliecer Coto  Marc Delepine  Paola Bossù  Sandro Sorbi  Seppo Helisalmi  Maria Jesus Bullido Gomez-Heras  Paola Forti  Mark Lathrop  María Victoria Alvarez-Sánchez  Gloria Tognoni  Jean-Charles Lambert  Onofre Combarros  Federico Licastro  Vincent Chouraki  Elio Scarpini  Hilkka Soininen  Beatrice Arosio  Gabriele Siciliano 

Publication date January 8, 2011
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