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Discovery and validation of Kepler-452b: a 1.6 r_{oplus}_ super earth exoplanet in the habitable zone of a G2 star

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Description scientific article published in Astronomical Journal

author: David Latham  Geoffrey Marcy  David Ciardi  Howard Isaacson  Michael Endl  Ronald L. Gilliland  Allyson Bieryla  Jason F. Rowe  Angie Wolfgang  Peter Tenenbaum  Erik A. Petigura  Dwight T. Sanderfer  Joseph H. Catanzarite  William D. Cochran  Jon M. Jenkins  Natalie Batalha  William J. Borucki  Guillermo Torres  Douglas A. Caldwell  Christopher E. Henze  Joseph D. Twicken  Shawn E. Seader  Lars A. Buchhave  GIlbert Esquerdo 

Publication date July 23, 2015
Language English
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