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2017 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations Summary.

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author: Eddy S. Lang  Gavin D Perkins  David Stanton  Julie Considine  Rudolph W Koster  Andrew Travers  Ian Maconochie  Maaret Castrén  Gene Yong-Kwang Ong  Raúl J Gazmuri  Kevin Michael Cahill  Jerry P. Nolan  Naoki Shimizu  José Alfredo Sierra-Ramírez  Chika Nishiyama  Christian Vaillancourt  Vinay M Nadkarni  Michael R Sayre  Bo Løfgren  Janice A Tijssen  Theresa M Olasveengen  Gabrielle Nuthall  Raffo Escalante  Eunice M. Singletary  Giuseppe Ristagno  Anne-Marie Guerguerian  Mary E Mancini  Laurie J Morrison  Dianne L Atkins  Patrick Van de Voorde  Robert A Berg  Thomaz Bittencourt Couto  Swee Han Lim  Michael A Smyth  Peter A. Meaney  Peter J Kudenchuk  Richard Aickin  Steven C Brooks  Allan R de Caen  Sung Phil Chung  Stephen M Schexnayder  ILCOR Collaborators  Tetsuya Sakamoto 

Publication date November 6, 2017
Language English
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