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Homozygous missense mutation L673P in Adenylate Kinase 7 (AK7) leads to primary male infertility and Multiple Morphological Anomalies of the Flagella but not to Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia.

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Description scientific article published on 22 January 2018

author: Laurence Stouvenel  Emmanuel Dulioust  Elma El Khouri  Sergey N Savinov  Maëlle Givelet  Zeinab Sakheli  Gérard Gacon  Estelle Escudier  Angeles Fernandez-Gonzales  Marhaba Chaudhry  S. Alex Mitsialis  Jean François Papon  Bruno Louis  Patrick Lorès  Pierre F Ray  Mélanie Bonhivers  Serge Amselem  Charles Coutton  Denis Dacheux  Jean-Philippe Wolf  Aminata Touré 

Publication date April 1, 2018
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