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Intelligence in DSM-IV combined type attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is not predicted by either dopamine receptor/transporter genes or other previously identified risk alleles for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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Description scientific article published in April 2008

author: Cathelijne J M Buschgens  Henrik Uebel  Jacques Eisenberg  Dieter Baeyens  Amanda Meliá  Paraskevi Bitsakou  Joseph A Sergeant  Richard Anney  Tobias Banaschewski  Aisling Mulligan  Herbert Roeyers  Jonna Kuntsi  Robert D Oades  Richard P. Ebstein  Keeley Brookes  Aribert Rothenberger  Hanna Christiansen  Philip Asherson  Michael Gill  Ana Miranda  Stephen Faraone  Barbara Franke  Hans-Christoph Steinhausen  Edmund Sonuga-Barke  Jan Buitelaar 

Publication date April 1, 2008
Language English
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