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Towards standards for human fecal sample processing in metagenomic studies.

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Description scientific article

author: Matt W. Hayward  Rajna Hercog  Jens Roat Kultima  Marja Driessen  Johan van Hylckama-Vlieg  Kiran R Patil  Georg Zeller  Anne Salonen  Peer Bork  John Penders  Manichanh Chaysavanh  Muriel Derrien  Florence Levenez  Paul O'Toole  Luis Pedro Coelho  Shinichi Sunagawa  Joël Doré  Paul I Costea  Adriana Alberti  Michael Blaut  Bhagirath Singh  Nicolas Pons  Melanie Tramontano  Emmanuelle Le Chatelier  Ruth Ann Luna  Willem de Vos  Michelle C. Daigneault  Philippe Langella  Erwin G Zoetendal  Eric Pelletier  Emma Allen-Vercoe 

Publication date October 2, 2017
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