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Neutron spectrometry--an essential tool for diagnosing implosions at the National Ignition Facility (invited).

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Description scientific article published in October 2012

author: John Kline  Thomas J. Murphy  Riccardo Betti  Tammy Ma  Edward P. Hartouni  Richard Petrasso  Charles Cerjan  Darren Bleuel  Siegfried Glenzer  Fredrick H. Séguin  Steven W. Haan  G L Morgan  Stephan Friedrich  Andrew Mackinnon  George Kyrala  James Philip Knauer  Abbas Nikroo  James Ryan Rygg  David H. Munro  Bruce Remington  Johan A. Frenje  M. Gatu Johnson  Joseph D. Kilkenny 

Publication date October 1, 2012
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