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ACCF/AHA clinical practice guideline methodology summit report: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines

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Description scientific article

author: Gregg C. Fonarow  Donna K Arnett  William Roach  Eric D. Peterson  Elliott M Antman  Sharon-Lise Normand  Marnie Bertolet  Nancy M Albert  Ralph L Sacco  Michael R Sayre  Deepak L. Bhatt  Sidney C Smith  Marguerite A Koster  David DeMets  Ralph G Brindis  Kay Dickersin  Jonathan L. Halperin  Gordon F Tomaselli  Alice K. Jacobs  Clyde Yancy  Frederick G Kushner  Erik Magnus Ohman  Judith S Hochman 

Publication date December 10, 2012
Language English
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