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Patient care standards for primary mitochondrial disease: a consensus statement from the Mitochondrial Medicine Society

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Description scientific article

author: Tyler E Reimschisel  Ramona Salvarinova  David Griesemer  Mark Korson  Michelangelo Mancuso  Russell P Saneto  Rita Horvath  Marie-Josée Raboisson  Clara van Karnebeek  Michael C Kruer  Patrick F. Chinnery  Mark A Tarnopolsky  Lynne A Wolfe  Zarazuela Zolkipli-Cunningham  Richard E Frye  Gregory M Enns  Annette Feigenbaum  Irina Anselm  Sumit Parikh  John M Shoffner  Mary Kay Koenig  Catherine Brunel-Guitton  Shana McCormack  Fernando Scaglia  Amel Karaa  David Dimmock  Marni Falk 

Publication date July 27, 2017
Language English
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