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Whole-genome sequence of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis strain Cp162, isolated from camel.

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Description scientific article published on October 2012

author: Artur Silva  Anderson R. Santos  Christopher G. Dowson  Rommel Ramos  Vasudeo Zambare  Anderson Miyoshi  Flávia Aburjaile  Syed S. Hassan  Dayana Ribeiro  Karina K Fiaux  Ulisses Pádua Pereira  Sandeep Tiwari  Luis G C Pacheco  Eudes Guilherme Vieira Barbosa  Fernanda Alves Dorella  Alex Ranieri  Anne Cybelle Pinto Gomide  Syeda Marriam Bakhtiar  Vasco Ariston de Carvalho Azevedo  Debmalya Barh  Flávia S Rocha  Luis C. Guimarães  Sintia S. Almeida  Siomar De Castro Soares  Amjad Ali  Adriana Ribeiro Carneiro Nunes  Preetam Ghosh 

Publication date October 1, 2012
Language English
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