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Predictors and clinical outcomes of permanent pacemaker implantation after transcatheter aortic valve replacement: the PARTNER (Placement of AoRtic TraNscathetER Valves) trial and registry

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Description scientific article published on January 2015

author: John Webb  Jose Dizon  Mikhael F El-Chami  Mathew R Williams  Pamela S. Douglas  Tamim M Nazif  Augusto D Pichard  Howard C Herrmann  Martin B. Leon  Susheel K. Kodali  Wilson Y. Szeto  Michael J. Mack  Vasilis Babaliaros  E. Murat Tuzcu  Jeffrey W Moses  Raj R. Makkar  PARTNER Publications Office  Rebecca T. Hahn 

Publication date January 1, 2015
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