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Comparing land use regression and dispersion modelling to assess residential exposure to ambient air pollution for epidemiological studies

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Description scientific article published on 16 September 2014

author: Michal Korek  Giulia Cesaroni  Klea Katsouyanni  Bertil Forsberg  Danielle Vienneau  Josef Cyrys  Bert Brunekreef  Ming-Yi Tsai  Kees de Hoogh  John Gulliver  Tamara Schikowski  Anna Hansell  Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen  Nino Künzli  Sander Jonkers  Marloes Eeftens  Gerard Hoek  Rob Beelen  Menno Keuken  Marta Cirach Pradas  Ulrike Gehring  Göran Pershagen  Timo Lanki  Christer Johansson  Chiara Badaloni  Dorothee Sugiri  Francesco Forastiere  Nicole Probst-Hensch  Tarja Yli-Tuomi  Jaakko Kukkonen  Tom Bellander 

Publication date September 16, 2014
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