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Defeating Alzheimer's disease and other dementias: a priority for European science and society

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Description scientific article published on April 2016

author: Caroline Graff  Carol Brayne  Bruno Dubois  Miia Kivipelto  Gunhild Waldemar  Clive Ballard  Philippe Amouyel  Sandrine Andrieu  Philip Scheltens  Giovanni B. Frisoni  Agneta Nordberg  Frank Jessen  Anders Wimo  David Edvardsson  Lon S Schneider  Bengt Winblad  Henry Brodaty  Francesca Mangialasche  Henrik Zetterberg  Lars O Tjernberg  Howard Feldman  Reisa Sperling  Martin Knapp  Angel Cedazo-Minguez 

Publication date April 1, 2016
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