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The cross-national epidemiology of social anxiety disorder: Data from the World Mental Health Survey Initiative

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Description scientific article

author: Fernando Navarro-Mateu  Marina Piazza  Margreet Ten Have  Bogdan Wojtyniak  José Posada-Villa  Maria Carmen Viana  Oye Gureje  Carmen C W Lim  Yolanda Torres-Corral  Ali Al-Hamzawi  Hristo Hinkov  Peter de Jonge  Sing Lee  Jordi Alonso  Elie G Karam  Annelieke M Roest  Beth-Ellen Pennell  Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola  Silvia Florescu  Dan J. Stein  Meredith Harris  WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators  Ronald C. Kessler  Ronny Bruffaerts  Kate M Scott  Giovanni de Girolamo  Itsuko Horiguchi  Miguel Xavier  Evelyn J. Bromet  Corina Benjet  Josep Maria Haro  Aimee N Karam 

Publication date July 31, 2017
Language English
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