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Improved diagnostic yield compared with targeted gene sequencing panels suggests a role for whole-genome sequencing as a first-tier genetic test.

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Description scientific article

author: S. Mohsen Hosseini  Jonathan D. Wasserman  Cheryl Shuman  Stephen W. Scherer  M Stephen Meyn  Roberto Mendoza-Londono  Sharon D. Dell  Sarah Bowdin  Miriam S Reuter  Thomas Nalpathamkalam  Anath C. Lionel  Stacy Hewson  Rosanna Weksberg  Christian Marshall  O. Carter Snead III  Cheryl Cytrynbaum  Wilson W L Sung  Daniele Merico  Gregory Costain  Zhuozhi Wang  Michal Inbar-Feigenberg  Robin Z Hayeems  Giovanna Pellecchia  Komudi Siriwardena  Michael J Szego  Ajoy Vincent  Nasim Monfared  Chris Carew  Jonathan Kronick  Rebekah Jobling 

Publication date August 3, 2017
Language English
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