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European Heart Rhythm Association/Heart Failure Association joint consensus document on arrhythmias in heart failure, endorsed by the Heart Rhythm Society and the Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society.

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Description scientific article published on 21 August 2015

author: Gerhard Hindricks  José Ramón González Juanatey  Wilhelm Haverkamp  Antonis S. Manolis  Burkert Pieske  Cecilia Linde  Stefan D. Anker  Mitja Lainscak  Tatjana S Potpara  Gregory Lip  Irene Savelieva  Deirdre A Lane  Frank R Heinzel  Bulent Gorenek  Jesper Hastrup Svendsen  Mina K. Chung  Andrew Coats  Marc de Vos  Jean-Yves Le Heuzey  Prashanthan Sanders 

Publication date August 21, 2015
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