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Missense variant in TREML2 protects against Alzheimer's disease

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Description scientific article published on 21 December 2013

author: Alison Goate  Michelle K Lupton  Richard Mayeux  James Turton  Philippe Amouyel  Lindsay A. Farrer  Denise Harold  Bruno A Benitez  Gerard D Schellenberg  Kristelle Brown  Celeste Sassi  Ward Ortmann  Patrick C G Haddick  Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative  John Anthony Hardy  Sheng Chih Jin  Anne M Fagan  John S K Kauwe  Sarah Bertelsen  GERAD Consortium  Jonathan L Haines  Oscar Harari  Jean-Charles Lambert  J Raphael Gibbs  Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC)  Imelda S Barber  Margaret A. Pericak-Vance  Céline Bellenguez  Carlos Cruchaga  Christopher Medway  Kevin Morgan  Jose Bras  David M. Holtzman  John C. Morris  Rita Guerreiro  Tushar Bhangale  Jenny Lord 

Publication date December 21, 2013
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