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Primary Immune Deficiency Treatment Consortium (PIDTC) report

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Description scientific article published on 15 October 2013

author: Paul Vey-Hong Lim  Trudy N Small  Alexandra H Filipovich  Paul Szabolcs  Robertson Parkman  Janel R Long-Boyle  Harry Malech  Christopher C Dvorak  William T. Shearer  John Routes  Talal A Chatila  Donald B. Kohn  Luigi D Notarangelo  Kathleen E. Sullivan  Richard B. Reilly  Elizabeth Kang  Mirjam van der Burg  Jennifer M Puck  Morton J Cowan  Lauri M Burroughs  Troy R Torgerson  Juan Carlos Zuniga-Pflucker  Thomas A Fleisher  Rebecca H. Buckley  Sean McGhee  Amy M Brower  Hans D. Ochs  Jack J Bleesing  workshop participants  Brent R Logan  Charlotte Cunningham-Rundles  Adrian Thrasher  Fabio Candotti 

Publication date October 15, 2013
Language English
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