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STROKOG (stroke and cognition consortium): An international consortium to examine the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of neurocognitive disorders in relation to cerebrovascular disease

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Description scientific article

author: Stephen Makin  Charlotte Cordonnier  Christian Blomstrand  David W Desmond  Russell J Chander  Toby B. Cumming  Xuling Lin  J Wouter Jukema  Frans RJ Verhey  Francesca Chappell  Jessica W Lo  Martin Dichgans  Velandai Srikanth  David J Stott  Timo Erkinjuntti  Christopher S. Chen  Aleksandra Klimkowicz-Mrowiec  Rufus O Akinyemi  Olivier Godefroy  Jae-Sung Lim  Perminder Sachdev  Susanna Melkas  Fergus N Doubal  Frank Arne Wollenweber  Dominique Deplanque  Joanna Wardlaw  Hanna Jokinen  Geoffrey A. Donnan  Amanda G. Thrift  David Williams  Louise Allan 

Publication date November 18, 2016
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