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Limited cross-border infections in patients newly diagnosed with HIV in Europe

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Description scientific article published on 3 April 2013

author: Jan Albert  Ricardo Camacho  Dimitrios Paraskevis  Klaus Korn  Maja Stanojevic  Zehava Grossman  Leondios G Kostrikis  Ana B. Abecasis  Annemarie M J Wensing  Dan Otelea  Andrzej Horban  Mario Poljak  Roger Paredes  Alicja Wiercińska-Drapało  Đorđe Jevtović  Jean-Claude Schmit  Danail Beshkov  Marek Linka  Anders Sönnerborg  Daniel Struck  Kirsi Liitsola  Suzie Coughlan  Bonaventura Clotet Sala  Anne-Mieke Vandamme  Claudia Kücherer  Stéphane De Wit  Claudia Balotta  Danica Stanekova  Dineke Frentz  Osamah Hamouda  Birgitta Åsjö  Elisabeth Puchhammer-Stöckl  Tatjana Kolupajeva  SPREAD Programme 

Publication date April 3, 2013
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