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Insertion of an SVA-E retrotransposon into the CASP8 gene is associated with protection against prostate cancer

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Description scientific article published on 5 January 2016

author: David E. Neal  Hrefna Johannsdottir  Freddie Hamdy  Patrick Sulem  Laufey Tryggvadottir  Sita H Vermeulen  Asgeir Sigurdsson  Lambertus Kiemeney  Daníel F. Guðbjartsson  Julius Gudmundsson  Brian T Helfand  Kristrun R Benediktsdottir  Bjarni A Agnarsson  Kári Stefánsson  William J Catalona  Gudmar Thorleifsson  Augustine Kong  Katja K H Aben  Angeles Panadero  Thorunn Rafnar  Aslaug Jonasdottir  Jenny L Donovan  Gísli Másson  Unnur Þorsteinsdóttir  Sigurjon A Gudjonsson  Ruben G H M Cremers 

Publication date January 5, 2016
Language English
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