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A 3p26-3p25 genetic linkage finding for DSM-IV major depression in heavy smoking families

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Description scientific article

author: Alison Goate  Andrew C. Heath  Brenda Penninx  Tellervo Korhonen  Sarah E. Medland  Arpana Agrawal  Anjali K. Henders  Jacqueline M Vink  Naomi R. Wray  Michele L Pergadia  Scott D Gordon  Pamela A F Madden  Nick Martin  Dorret Boomsma  Hsiu-Ling Chou  Kaisu Keskitalo-Vuokko  Gonneke Willemsen  Elliot C Nelson  Ulla Broms  Andrew J Schrage  Eco de Geus  Jaakko Kaprio  Grant W. Montgomery  Anu Loukola  Stuart Macgregor 

Publication date May 15, 2011
Language English
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