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Understanding pneumococcal serotype 1 biology through population genomic analysis

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Description scientific article published on 8 November 2016

author: Neil French  Mignon du Plessis  Jean-Marc Collard  Robert Heyderman  Cheryl P Andam  Simon R Harris  Julian Parkhill  Anne von Gottberg  Jen Cornick  Keith P. Klugman  Chrispin Chaguza  Dean B Everett  Aras Kadioglu  Chinelo Ebruke  Anmol M Kiran  Stephen D Bentley  Lesley McGee  Betuel Sigaúque  Sani Ousmane  Paul Turner  Feyruz Yalcin  PAGe Consortium  William P. Hanage  Gerd Pluschke  Laura Bricio-Moreno  Madikay Senghore  Jukka Corander 

Publication date November 8, 2016
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