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Mapping of the UGT1A locus identifies an uncommon coding variant that affects mRNA expression and protects from bladder cancer

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Description scientific article published on 6 January 2012

author: Luyang Liu  W. Ryan Diver  Joseph F. Fraumeni, Jr.  Nathaniel Rothman  Nuria Malats  Immaculata De Vivo  Michael Thun  Ludmila Prokunina-Olsson  Eric Jacobs  Jonine Figueroa  Stephen Chanock  Demetrius Albanes  Montserrat García-Closas  Josep Lloreta  Adonina Tardón  Margaret Karagas  Susan M Gapstur  Amanda Black  Reina García-Closas  Debra T. Silverman  Amy Hutchinson  Dalsu Baris  Manolis Kogevinas  Nilanjan Chatterjee  Molly Schwenn  Patricia Porter-Gill  David J. Hunter  Laurie Burdett  Jarmo Virtamo  Alan Schned  Mark P. Purdue 

Publication date January 6, 2012
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