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Meta-analysis identifies common variants associated with body mass index in east Asians

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Description scientific article published on 19 February 2012

author: Bok-ghee Han  Huaidong Song  Aihua Tan  Cathy S J Fann  Wei Zheng  Tin Aung  Jianfeng Xu  Xiao-Ou Shu  Lu Qi  Jirong Long  Shiro Maeda  Yu-Tang Gao  Jiajun Shi  Qiuyin Cai  Norihiro Kato  Wanqing Wen  Mark Seielstad  Dingliang Zhu  Chien-Hsiun Chen  Fuu-Jen Tsai  Yoshihiro Kokubo  Fumihiko Takeuchi  Yoon Shin Cho  Rajkumar Dorajoo  Christopher A. Haiman  Xueling Sim  Brian E. Henderson  Rick Twee-Hee Ong  Mitsuhiro Yokota  Yong-Bing Xiang  Frank B. Hu  Tetsuro Miki  Tatsuhiko Tsunoda  E. Shyong Tai  Naoyuki Kamatani  Jer-Yuarn Wu  Toshihiro Tanaka  Michiaki Kubo  Ryan J. Delahanty  Loic Le Marchand  Seang-Mei Saw  Chun Li  Yūsuke Nakamura 

Publication date February 19, 2012
Language English
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