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Genome-wide association study identifies breast cancer risk variant at 10q21.2: results from the Asia Breast Cancer Consortium

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Description scientific article published on 9 September 2011

author: Wei Zheng  Xiao-Ou Shu  Jirong Long  Daehee Kang  Yu-Tang Gao  Motoki Iwasaki  Shoichiro Tsugane  Jiajun Shi  Qiuyin Cai  Wanqing Wen  Hyuna Sung  Chen-Yang Shen  Yoshio Kasuga  Christopher A. Haiman  Dong-Young Noh  Ui-Soon Khoo  Sum Yin Chan  Sue Yeon Park  Hiroji Iwata  Kazuo Tajima  Keun-Young Yoo  Zefang Ren  Brian E. Henderson  Yong-Bing Xiang  Ji-Yeob Choi  Hongbing Shen  Ryan J. Delahanty  Ya-Lan Shieh  Loic Le Marchand  Keitaro Matsuo 

Publication date September 9, 2011
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